Teaching Phonics at Home
Learning to Read is More Challenging for Kids Who Don’t Know the Secrets
“I see a Secret in that word!”
This is what parents who use Secret Stories® at home hear on an almost constant basis! Anywhere there is text, there will be Secrets!
All you need to do is share them. A perfect time for sharing Secrets is when reading a book to or with your child. Your child can read to you, or even just watch over your shoulder as you read. When they (or you) come to a word with a letter in it that isn’t “doing what it should,” that is your cue to share a Secret!

Can you imagine how frustrating it would be to try and sound out the word /the/ if all you know about the letter /t/ is that it’s supposed to say “tuh?”
Not to mention other words like: she, how, they, or, now, for, her, were, this, too, my, by, new, saw, that, know, then, why, wish, own, show, try, etc….
Kids need to understand that letters are just like them. They don’t always do what they’re supposed to, but if you know their “secret” behaviors, their sounds are easy to figure out!
For example, knowing the Secret about why /t/ and /h/ are not allowed to sit together in words (because they always stick their tongues out at each other and say, “thhhhhhh!”) is as easy for kids to remember as the behaviors of kids in their own class or friend group.
The next time they spot /th/, whether it’s in a book or on a road sign, ask if they remember its Secret. If they need a little reminder, just show them the picture to remind them of the sound.